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Flood Warning

Broadcast Time 02/08/2025 09:15 PST

Flood Warning
Issued By NWS Sacramento CA Broadcast Time 02/08/2025 09:15 PST
Issuing Time 02/08/2025 09:15 PST Valid Until 02/09/2025 09:15 PST

The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in California. Yolo Bypass Near Lisbon affecting Solano and Yolo Counties. .A series of atmospheric rivers brought periods of moderate to heavy precipitation to the region over the last 7 days. As water continues to move through the Lower Sacramento River system, some rivers are forecast to reach monitor stage, with the Yolo Bypass forecast to reach minor flood stage. For the Yolo Bypass. including Lisbon. Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT. Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE. Yolo Bypass near Lisbon. * WHEN. Until further notice. * IMPACTS. At 10.5 feet, Local roads on the east side of the Yolo Bypass south of the I-80 causeway are flooded. At 11.0 feet, Glide In Ranch & Mound Farms begin to flood. At 12.0 feet, County Road 107 is flooded. At 13.0 feet, Flood waters extend approximately 1 mile west of the tow drain downstream of the Lisbon gage. At 14.0 feet, Skyrakers Duck Club ponds begin to flood. At 15.0 feet, County Road 155 is flooded west of the Golden Sprig Duck Club. At 16.0 feet, Glide In Ranch is completely flooded. At 19.0 feet, Mound Farms and Senator Outing Duck Club are flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS. - At 8:15 AM PST Saturday the stage was 20.3 feet. - Bankfull stage is 13.0 feet. - Recent Activity. The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:15 AM PST Saturday was 20.3 feet. - Forecast. The river is expected to remain steady above flood stage at 20.2 feet. - Flood stage is 19.0 feet. - Flood History. This crest compares to a previous crest of 20.3 feet on 04/06/2006. -

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