Reporting Station : San Francisco International Airport, CA

There is alert 1 Weather Alert for your area.

More clouds than sun. Cool.

  • 78%
  • 17 mphW
  • 78%
  • 52°F
    Dew Point
  • 56°F
    Comfort Level
  • 10 mi
  • 29.98 in

    Barometric Pressure
  • Air Quality
Current Time : 7:01 PM PDT  Refresh Nearest / Estimated

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Air Quality Alert

Broadcast Time 09/16/2024 15:08 PDT

Air Quality Alert
Issued By NWS San Diego CA Broadcast Time 09/16/2024 15:08 PDT
Issuing Time 09/16/2024 15:08 PDT Valid Until 09/17/2024 23:00 PDT

The South Coast AQMD has issued an air quality alert due to increased particle pollution from blowing dust. The air quality alert is in effect until 9 AM Tuesday. In areas directly impacted by high levels of windblown dust, limit your exposure by remaining indoors with windows and doors closed and avoiding vigorous physical activity. Run your air conditioner or an air purifier. If temperatures allow, avoid using whole house fans or swamp coolers that bring in outside air. Exposure to high particle pollution levels can cause serious health problems, including asthma attacks, heart and lung disease symptoms, and increased risk of respiratory infections. People with heart or lung diseases should follow their doctor's advice for dealing with episodes of unhealthy air quality. Children, older adults, and people with respiratory or heart disease should avoid prolonged exposure and strenuous activities when particle pollution levels are high. Levels of particle pollution can vary hour by hour and by location depending on wind conditions. For the latest air quality forecasts and information, visit the website at

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